Life Regrow

It is a LIFE Environment Policy & Governance project (LIFE16-ENV / ES / 000331) co-financed by the European Union.

The project lasts for three years (start date 01/10/2017- end date 31 / 06/2021). The development of the project will be carried out Mora (Toledo, Spain) under the coordination of the Exmo. Mora City Council and the cooperation of the Asociación Española de Municipios de Olivo (AEMO), the SME Gestión de residuos Manchegos (GESREMAN), and the universities of Almería (UAL) and Miguel Hermandez (UMH).


  • regenerate a rural brownfield (olive mill wastewaters-OMW abandoned ponds)
  • by applying different in situ biorecovering strategies (bioremediation and phytoremediation/composting) for site decontamination
  • and reclamating the area to grow a green multifunctional infrastructure with educational purposes
The objective is to restore a space occupied by a disused wastewater pond, applying in situ different biological strategies (bioremediation, phytoremediation and composting) in order to reduce pollution, transforming the area into a multidisciplinary green infrastructure educational and training



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The 2nd edition of the 'NaturAceite' Conference, to be held on April 6 in the Toledo town of Mora, will collect the conclusions of the Life-Regrow project, whose objective was to restore a space occupied by disused alpechín ponds, applying different biological strategies to reduce the contamination of the place, transforming the area into a green...

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Final seminar: 30.03.2022

Final online seminar of the LIFE REGROW project. Program: 18:00. Alperujo Composting, a viable alternative. Jose Maria Penco. AEMO. 18:30. Recovery of vegetable water ponds. Life-Regrow results. Raul Moral. Miguel Hernandez University

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The circular economy main topic of the environmental education activities of the LIFE REGROW project

The environmental education activities of the LIFE REGROW Project have successfully concluded with the participation of more than 400 students from schools in the provinces of Toledo and Ciudad Real. The environmental activities, January-March, 2022, focused on the appropriate waste management and pollution treatment from the circular economy...

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